5 Benefits of Personalized Marketing: Branding to the Next Level!

TeamAsia Blog - Oct 1, 2020 | Updated On October 20, 2023

By Alexis Natividad, Digital Associate

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The art of personalization or the ability to deliver messaging to individual customers, especially during these times is expected to be one of the biggest marketing trends that are fast-growing in the industry. 2020 has seen to be the year of personalized marketing as smart consumers now tend to look for brand experiences to be designed and tailored-fit to their needs. (Source:  https://jenniferjonesblog.com/2020/01/21/personalization-is-the-driving-marketing-trend-for-2020/)

A lot of businesses nowadays are taking advantage of personalized marketing because it offers the brand the potential to know what consumers want as well as the undeniable potential to enhance customer loyalty. These companies are stretching their marketing efforts not just by simply addressing their customer by their names, answering their questions and concerns, but also extending their reach to personalize website and mobile experiences for each customer.

But what does personalized marketing mean? How does it work?

Personalized marketing is a strategy that delivers individualized content to its recipients through thorough data collection, analysis, and the use of advanced technology.

Its goal is to engage its customers by communicating with each as an individual. It may sound pretentious and impossible but this can be a powerful tool when used right. So if you still haven’t implemented this in your marketing initiatives, here are 5 reasons why you should include it.

1. It targets specific audiences effectively and efficiently

It has been a long challenge to determine the right audience for your brand because we can’t determine their characteristics or personalities effectively just because they have visited our website or they have clicked our ads. The beauty of personalized marketing is its ability to reach specific audiences. Target these audiences by creating a more effective email campaign based on the collected user data that shows their interests or buying habits.

Source: https://www.dotcomweavers.com/targeted-personalized-marketing/

2. Generate Customer Identity

Once we have accumulated enough data, we can easily segment the audiences that we’ve gathered based on their demographics (i.e. age, gender, income, location, interests, and much more). These are just some of the factors that we’re aiming to get because of the high chance that these are the reasons why they respond well and are prompted to take action.

3. Better Content = Best Results

Writing your content that would best fit your audience would surely hit memories for your customers/potential customers. Personalization creates a sense of belonging for your customers that could help your brand stand out from the crowd.

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One of the best examples of this (which I’m sure everybody can agree on) is Shopee’s take for their personalized marketing game. During these times, when everyone is stuck in their homes because of lockdowns and quarantines, we can’t seem to stop scrolling through this online shopping app. And based on experience (which I’m not guilty of), I often see a lot of recommendations and curated items for me on the app’s homepage. This has caused a lot of us to click on that “Add to Cart” button and blindly click that “Cash on Delivery” while waiting for our package to arrive. (BEST. FEELING. EVER.)

And because you thought it couldn’t get any better, SURPRISE, because, for the year 2020, Shopee will deepen its use of AI and big data to curate and recommend a more personalized shopping experience journey for its users. Are we ready for this, people?! (Source: https://mb.com.ph/2020/01/20/shopee-envisions-online-shopping-to-be-more-personalized-engaging-and-social-in-2020/)

4. Brand-Customer Relationship

One of the most important aspects of your journey towards personalizing your marketing is to build stronger and more personal relationships with your customers. Show how much you are invested in caring about them by showing them your gratitude, and sending a personalized email, so they won’t feel a bot is answering them.

Take things a little bit further if you must because this would only not help you generate more sales, but you’d be making them feel comfortable with the brand.

5. Boost sales and conversions

All of these things we’re doing are for one goal and one purpose. It’s not just about the right content, and right audience, but it can also be helping our growth in our sales at the same time.

It is important to note though, that in the midst of this crisis, the relationship that brands have with their customers is now more important than ever. As consumers become more digitally inclined, it becomes more of a good challenge for businesses to pivot and innovate their ways to adapt and keep their existing and potential customers engaged.

Our digital marketing team can help you identify the right personalized marketing strategies for your brand. All you need to do is ask. Talk to us at info@teamasia.com

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